
Slow Shipping Sale

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S L O W S H I P P I N G S A L E ! ! !

Take 10% off when you order 1 item
Take 15% off when you order 2 items
Take 20% off when you order 3 or more items!

I will be away from shop from 06/19 - 06/26 and unable to ship packages.
Enjoy this sale as my apologies for shipping delays while i am gone!
*sale discounts will be refunded via paypal within 24 hrs of purchase. sale applies to item price only, shipping not included.
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lovely prints

I ran across these prints about the outdoors that i LOVE by groundwork on Etsy.
she also has a website to visit here: www.dannaray.com


My Ideal Summer Outfit

I can usually only be found in earth tones throughout every season...something like this may just be my ideal summer outfit. The hat and shorts will be coming to the shop very soon. You can nab the moccasins (size 8) here. I bet you all already have a grubby t shirt with the neck cut out!
I haven't done any shop modeling in a long time, but its hard to resist putting some pieces on!


Easy Breezy Shop Update

Light and summery shop update for today. Oh, and jared who always find a way to crack himself up (sometimes me too).


Seaside Rendezvous

I am prone to nautical updates...why not one more.

check out the shop for updates!